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Oil of grape seeds.

This product is made of natural grapes, the latest technologies allow to extract its main OPC ingredients. OPC is a powerful antioxidant of new generation which successfully neutralizes free radicals. More effectively than vitamin E by 50 times, 20 times of vitamin C. OPC lowering of arterial pressure, serves for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, can effectively protect skin from ultra-violet radiation, keep elasticity of skin, smooth and reduce emergence of wrinkles. This powerful antioxidant, can prevent melanin adjournment, is effective at an allergy, to improve immunity of the person, strengthens capillaries, effective prevention of exhaustion of a brain and degenerate diseases of a brain.

Free radicals cause oxidations of lipoproteins in blood that leads to adjournment of cholesterol on a wall of a blood vessel, causing heart attacks and strokes, free radicals influence sight and can cause a cataract, free radicals damaging cages influence a pancreas that can lead to diabetes. Besides, free radicals damaging cages and a kernel of a cage therefore cages can become malignant.

Today in the 21st century, major factors which influence life and health of the person deterioration of habitat of the person and change of a way of life is lead to destruction to ecological balance of a cage.

The natural biologically active agents, vitamins and fibers containing in grapes positively affect a liver and patients with hepatitis. Thus, food experts recommend at problems with a liver this product.

Oil of grape seeds is recommended for rejuvenation and fight against aging, for improvement of skin and smoothing of wrinkles, at cardiovascular diseases, for regulation of level of sugar in blood, at diabetes, headaches, dizziness and an allergy.

Number in shop 0225
  • 04 April 2012, 12:22