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The magnetic medical Bracelets

Magnetotherapy represents one of nonconventional forms of treatment and last years gets great popularity. It is widely known about its successful application in Europe, Asia and the North America.

In Holland it has been confirmed officially that the patients, suffering Illness of Parkinson, by means of a magnetotherapy could improve the condition. In Japan double testing has shown 90 % of efficiency at treatment of pressure of muscles of a neck and shoulders, rheumatism. By the way, many products of a magnetotherapy are recognized by medical means in Japan.

It is established that to the beginning of 90th years of hundred thousand Americans used magnets for the therapeutic purposes, magnets — official medicine at treatment of crises and posttraumatic conditions, and number of people all over the world, practising a magnetotherapy, now comes nearer to hundred millions.
Aspirin, ibuprofen or other soothing medicines don't treat in itself. They strengthen blood circulation in an organism which positively influences a source of a pain and other illnesses in an organism. Don't forget that all nutrients, minerals, oxygen and vitamins, are carried on an organism by means of blood. Better circulation — more than useful substances receives your body.

The same effect is reached at influence on a body of magnets. In human blood high enough maintenance of iron that gives the chance effective influence by magnets. Under the influence of a magnetic field blood clots are split, breaking up to smaller formations, it is easier to blood to move on vessels and, accordingly, to carry out the function. All is very logical.

Here to you an example. Look that occurs to received «bruise» at people of different age and why. At the child, the skin on a place of blow or damage will accept usual color in some hours, on it some days are required to the person of average years, at older persons «bruise» can hold on weeks. All it because of a difference in blood circulation, at the child blood «young», without clots, flows on vessels easily and quickly. With the years, blood molecules start to stick together among themselves, forming clots and blood clots that essentially complicates movement.

The magnetotherapy is applied to reduction of pains, blood circulation improvement, at a hypertension, Ischemic heart trouble, arthritises, reduction of risk of cardiovascular diseases, increase in mobility of joints after traumas, provides natural process of improvement of an organism etc.

Attention: it is impossible to use magnets to people with pacemakers or other electronic devices in an organism, during pregnancy, on open wounds. If you have doubts on-occasion uses of magnets by you, address to the doctor-expert.

More information about this products read here.
  • 06 April 2012, 11:38