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Healthy nutrition

In the world there is a huge number of various power supply systems. The healthy nutrition, observance of the basic rules has to be carried out throughout all life, but not in a certain period. The balanced diet has to become a way of life.

Scientists of many countries already proved that the human body submits to laws of thermodynamics. In this regard, at the heart of healthy and good nutrition there is a principle: power value has to correspond to power expenses of an organism.

In addition there is also the second principle – the chemical composition of substances has to correspond to physiological requirements of an organism surely individually. By rules, every day not less than seventy various ingredients have to come to an organism. They are vital as aren't synthesized in an organism. From this there is the following principle of healthy nutrition – the maximum variety of food.

Products which prolong life

For most of people who value the health, know as properly to eat and support the figure in a good form, there was an excellent opportunity to keep cheerfulness of a body and spirit. Further, it will be a question of products which prolong life.

1. Apples contain a large number of vitamins which are capable to improve work of vessels and heart and of course in the structure, increases immunity. To those people who eat at least on one apple in day, Alzheimer's disease doesn't threaten.

2. For those who cares about warmly — vascular system, it is necessary to replace meat with fish periodically. If at least three times a week for lunch are fish, considerably to decrease risk a disease of a heart attack. It occurs because to contain in it Omega-3 fatty acids which in turn, perfectly affect cellular membranes.

Judging by statistics, the population of those countries which consume fish in large numbers, for example, Eskimos or Japanese, get sick warmly — vascular diseases, than those who doesn't eat fish much less often.

3. All know that garlic is necessary for increase of immunity and of course, at cold. But the regular use of garlic improves also work of a digestive tract, protects an organism from emergence warmly — vascular diseases and even reduces risk of a disease of a cancer.

4. Many consider that vitamin C most of all in lemons, than in other fruit and berries, but it not absolutely so. For example, in strawberry, several times it is more than it. In addition, strawberry contains a lot of iron which in turn, will help with immunity increase. Also, strawberry is rich with essential oils and dyes which stop and prevent emergence of cancer tumors, promoting control of formation of special enzymes.

5. For anybody not a secret that free radicals are capable to destroy gene structure and to provoke a cancer. And beta carotene which in large numbers to contain in carrots, neutralizes them. Regular consumption of carrots promotes improvement of a condition of skin and sight. And here with carrots it is better to add sour cream as beta carotene is better dissolved in fats to salads.

6. Having included in the daily diet chili pepper, only two weeks later, the metabolism that will lead to weight reduction will be accelerated.

7. Green tea promotes improvement of a metabolism and as a result, to reduction of weight if to drink not less than four cups in day.

  • 21 March 2012, 12:13