DM-5 The Microcomputer
At the heart of the western thinking the simplified model of understanding of natural phenomena and health of the person lies. There is an opinion that the world as the car, it is possible to disassemble and reduce to components. This analytical way of a reasoning prevailing since Renaissance, has separated soul from a body, the person from environment.
According to canons of Traditional Chinese medicine, the human body is Space integral part. His life and variability is constantly subject to influence of forces of the surrounding nature. The nature — uniform incorporated system, with polar both complementary aspects the Yin and Jan who are in constant movement, carrying out transformation processes. When nature elements are in balance, life prospers in harmony When the balance of polar forces is broken, there comes accident. In the millenia the Chinese doctors and philosophers observed and studied the nature and tried to comprehend secrets of interaction with it.
In the most ancient classical work on the Chinese medicine «It the Jing», written in II century BC, is told: «order Preservation, instead of disorder correction is the higher principle of wisdom. To treat disease after it has already arisen what to dig, all the same, a well when it wanted to drink, or to forge the weapon when war» has begun.
Representing Space in a miniature, we move under the influence of the same forces, as it. Inability to adapt for any condition, the general infringement of balance and integrity pours out in a pathogenic sign (diseases).
The Chinese medicine learns us to perceive a way of functioning of the world and to find harmony in a context of the whole.
Some people rejectTraditional Chinese medicine because it doesn't keep within frameworks of modern model, and consider as its excentric charlatanism, others see in it something mysterious as the research and treatment methods developed by doctors of the Ancient East, are surrounded by myths and legends. The medicine of Ancient China has passed test by time and is worthy not only because brings notable result but also because embodies consecutive philosophy which covers many aspects of human life.
Value and growing popularity of Traditional Chinese medicine that the person anew realizes the integrity initially existing in Ancient culture where there is no clear boundary: between rest and movement, time and space, consciousness and a matter, illness and health.
The western medicine, let slowly, but aspires to understanding of this unity. Undoubtedly, the future in a health solution of a problem, not in a choice «or-or», and in a combination and interaction of both medicine.
In the Western countries the Chinese methods of treatment have already taken roots: the acupuncture, cauterization, massage, etc. At increasing interest to alternative methods of therapy is one of the circumstances which are speaking well for necessity of studying of centuries-old Chinese experience.
With increase in availability of the Chinese medicine, strengths of both medical approaches can be united, having reduced weaknesses of everyone to a minimum.
DM-5 The Microcomputer
Products series devices «DM» are recognized now by treatment-and-prophylactic devices. The device has endured big evolution towards improvement and has passed control on quality on the international system 150.9002. Also it has the international Certificate of quality ISO 9001 (England).
«DM-V» — last series of this mark having the display, visually showing on the screen the form, a kind and force of frequencies with which the Patient influences the necessary area of processing.
«DM-V» has pair plugs and consequently probably simultaneously session product in 2 different areas.
The device works from a battery (9v) and from an electric network through the adapter.
«DM-V» has freely modulated 9 modes of frequencies, each of which has the efficiency. At device inclusion on the display there is a chosen mode, its intensity and time timer. All given parameters are established independently necessarily. Device work begins on them in 15 seconds after their input.
At deenergizing the device is disconnected in some seconds. If want to continue a session press button «Wave» at which there will be a sound signal lasting not less than 2 seconds after which you can establish the necessary parameters and a mode again.
Device «DM-V» is the low-frequency device while many other companies have high-frequency devices which result to various diseases.
Frequency of the device doesn't exceed 0,15 Hertz that is break in the field.
The device works both from a direct current and from the variable.
Scope of application:
The back pain and a waist, a pain in the field of feet etc. (more than 30 diagnoses and illnesses) – see the instruction on application.
The device has endured многоэтапную evolution towards improvement and has passed control on quality on the international system 150.9002
Its pulse stimulation on acupuncture points in the form of drawings is shown on the liquid crystal screen … Intensity of influence and endurance time are regulated purposefully for disposal of the above-stated illnesses.
At device DM-V — 9 kinds of pulse modes.
With a view of achievement it is maximum the best effect consult to the doctor.
Contra-indications to application:
— Pacemaker presence in an organism;
— Pregnancy;
— Alcoholic intoxication.
At a condition of hunger, excessive satiety and extreme weariness to apply the device extremely circumspectly!
Application of the device in the field of work of the equipment of high frequencies in order to avoid possible burns in the field of contact with a body and device reduction in worthlessness is forbidden.
In the course of device application in places of contact of an electrode with «acupuncture a point» it is possible to observe shudder of muscles, — such answer of an organism to influence is considered normal.
At occurrence on the screen «there is not enough energy» — an empty battery, it is necessary to replace it.
With a view of disinfection of an electrode with a covering from a fabric, a surface periodically it is necessary to wipe 15 % spirit. After spirit evaporation it is possible to use the device. Electrodes always should be in the pure state. In the complete set of the device two kinds of electrodes. The current density on electrodes shouldn't exceed 2 ma/cm 2 (2 мА) (sq. sm).
At a long break in battery work it is necessary to take out from the device to avoid an effluence of their contents.
The device with a network energy source (electric system) incorporates to the socket through the adapter. The special external stabilizer should pass routine inspection periodically. If the stabilizer safety lock has failed, — it is necessary to replace it immediately!
Manufacturers of China have very strong experts in electronic medicine who supervise over working out of the new different perspective models extending across the Peoples Republic of China and abroad.