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Whether helps MLM to move ahead to you to your dream?

Network marketing allows all to promote essentially to realization of the dream. For the majority of people to buy English or the French lock is something from fantasy area. Now its cost approximately equals from five dollars to fifteen millions. Someone dreams to buy the car, apartment, the house in the country or simply to replace conditions in apartment. As to the purpose, basically, MLM has a direct bearing on these purposes, this business gives much financial freedom so, possibility to be engaged in any favourite affairs, without looking back at money and time.

By the way, a question on time. Often we present the business as possibility to receive is more than free time. How it works in MLM?
At the serious relation to MLM as to business it is clear that as well as in any business the moment of the beginning demands the big expenses on time, Advantage very simple, correctly enough to start the mechanism of work and process starts to speed up, ever less forces and time, and return on the contrary more and more every day is required.

And what, in your opinion, the ideal scheme of work of the network leader?
The leader it first of all a principle of thinking which needs to be generated in itself, it is expressed in sights at various events in our life, relations with people, speed of decision-making and a finding of an exit from various situations. Also it is separately necessary to tell about personal growth and self-improvement expressed in creation of training process of transfer of experience, creation of new forms and modes of work and many other things, including certain responsibility.

What should know and what human qualities to possess the beginner that as fast as possible and effectively to build the business?
The nobility it owes the necessary information on the company, on production, on marketing. And all need to be known it at such level to interest the person. The majority distributor, unfortunately, beginning Recruiting the person simply aren't ready to serious conversation. That conversation has gone right, it is necessary, at least to learn the information that conversation wasn't «crude». It is necessary to tell all so that it was pleasant to the person, that he has heard answers to all questions. The majority distributor, starting to communicate with the person, nevertheless put before itself a problem either to sign it, or to make sale. It is necessary to show benefit, advantages of production and business, and the person should hear you and correctly acquire this information.

Let's talk about regions. Whether there is any step-by-step technology of development of regional structures?
The technology exists. Let's take the most difficult variant – we in a city don't have acquaintances, we have arrived there alone. At once I will tell that it is process not fast. So, the first that it is necessary to make, it to rent apartment (hotel rather expensive pleasure). The second is to declare itself. Ways: announcements, leaflets, cold contacts, etc. Further when you had interested people, it is necessary to build accurate methodicalness of work: the organization of meetings on attraction of new people and the organization of schools, primary instructing. At the beginning once a week, for example on Saturday is enough to spend such instructing. And meetings-presentations are desirable for spending every day. To choose the concrete hour, any Restaurant where your people can result the beginners.

Very important, from the very beginning to define, so to say, «work front». To tell to your beginner what exactly it should do, what books to esteem what work forms in general exist. That it should do to find people and where these people to search. That it to tell, and what errors to avoid. What errors most often make distributors. It is necessary, that next day it all has learned it and has told to you the vision of that he has heard the day before. I.e. actually, I want to hear from it full presentation of business: about the company, about production, about marketing. And it is important, that to you as it was pleasant to the sponsor that not was any serious errors, in other words, the person should state normally a material and the most important thing to be guided in about what he speaks. If it can't make it, is senseless talk to it to someone.

If the beginner already has any people you talk to them at its presence. And, he sits, writes down, and then besides tells to you that to it was remembered that for it seemed important or new. I.e. after each meeting, there is «an analysis of flights» as you as the sponsor, should understand that occurs to your ward, whether there is it in «process» or thinks about something the friend.

Further, you as more skilled distributor, proceeding from a standard of living of your beginner, can define, on what it will emphasize in the beginning of the network career: on sales or recruiting. Understanding it, you can make with it the certain plan for development. If you want, that at your beginner any planned work has already gone, you can achieve it only in one way – it should have beginners. People who will «pull» it, and your distributor should be engaged in their training, it will have any responsibility for them.

Well, first stage behind, but sooner or later our beginner remains one in the region. How to it to keep the fighting spirit most, after all the sponsor nearby isn't present, but also it is necessary to think of structure?
The best motivation, is monthly growing check. Well, and, in general, the regional leader should know all basic forms of work: on sales, under the invitation, on training of people. It should know and supervise training process in the structure. Who conducts presentations who conducts schools as well as in that its people are trained. In other words, it constantly should keep an eye on some generations of the structure. In general it is considered that such approach correct since if between leaders there are any problems or someone «drops out» of business the top sponsor can minimize negative consequences of this situation. Besides, the regional leader should be steady against a competition, for this purpose it should be guided well in marketing-plans of the different companies, the nobility competitive advantages of the company. All it will influence strongly enough it and its working capacity.

Its problem to support structure in a constant «warm» condition. Not to allow people to «freeze or»overheat". For this purpose it is important to construct training so that people have been motivated, but it should be the internal motivation. Based not on slogans or appeals, and on understanding of this business, understanding of the purposes and problems. After all how many time so happened, the person already half a year or year is signed in the company, and results any. All because he doesn't see itself(himself) in this business, doesn't perceive it seriously, and no motivation can force to work it. And then, in any conversation, one phrase overturns its consciousness and it, as they say,«joins». And from this point on, it already, basically, needs to show nothing. He starts all to understand.

What exactly does he understand? Probably, it is the most important question, after all as soon as the person had a vision, it is already possible to consider it as the leader. And, it is not important what at it for this moment structure (it is a matter of time and technicians), it is important that at it the consciousness has changed.
Clearly It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. It is hardly similar to inspiration, more likely, it is long process. Network marketing as human life: you grow, mature, start to understand that well, and that is bad. At you vital principles start to develop, there is an environment. In due course you become the adult. Probably, it also is the true moment. Though some people prefer to remain children.

Slightly more in detail about an environment. On schools we hear: «Want to be successful, be near to successful people». Thus, as it to make, as a rule, remains a riddle. After all if the person all life communicated with neighbors with earnings $100-200 it hardly can make the way in a circle of millionaires.
Yes, the environment really is very important, knowingly speak: «Tell who your friend, and I will tell who you». Here there are two ways: or to get to a command which will push out you on essentially new level on thinking, to consciousness and the relation to life, to yourselves and associates, but for this purpose you should have qualities which can interest these people, for example, the huge desire to become successful, enthusiasm, creative etc. Or the second variant – to grow with the command independently. But in this case, whether it is important to understand your command develops or not.
Anyhow, you should have a huge dream and burning desire it to reach. And if it is, you will be opened for growth and new possibilities.

Wishes to readers.
Try to live so that then not to regret that is made. Let your purposes and thoughts will be pure, and actions ethic. Good luck to you!
  • 28 September 2013, 15:37